901 Fifth Avenue

Seattle, WA

This elegant fixture of Seattle’s city skyline sought recertification using the Arc platform


  • Streamlined project management
  • Use of Arc platform
  • v4.1 O+M Platinum certification
  • Winner: Seattle 2030 District Vision Award for Energy

Seattle’s 901 Fifth Avenue, a nearly fifty-year-old high rise centrally located in the city’s business district, underwent a major improvement project that optimized outside air flows to the building's systems based on occupancy, temperature, and indoor/ outdoor air quality to significantly improve overall EUI (Energy Use Intensity) and energy costs.


O’Brien360 was privileged to work with a highly motivated onsite engineering team that utilized its in-depth knowledge and experience of 901 Fifth to facilitate the building’s improvements and performance documentation. The 901 Fifth team chose a pathway of recertification using Arc, a measurement and verification platform that requires monitoring of energy, water, waste, indoor air quality, and human experience including occupant surveys.

The building is operating 37% better than its baseline year. O’Brien360 provided project management, technical assistance, indoor air quality testing, and consulting to help document performance to achieve LEED Platinum® certification under the v4.1 O+M rating system. In October of 2019, the project garnered the Seattle 2030 District Vision Award for Energy.